GOED GEBONDEN | graduation project
Book about bookbinding (18 do-it-yourself projects)
Goed Gebonden (Well Bound)
18 do-it-yourself bookbinding techniques

For my masters project in Graphic Design education, I chose bookbinding as a subject. My interest in bookbinding made me aware of the fact that a lot of books are kind of outdated (speaking for Belgian literature), and that bookbinding is an old craft everyone still needs, even in times when everything exists digitally. I also noticed a lot of interest along fellow students. Any education requiring print skills automatically require bookbinding skills, may it be a very simple method, or at least knowledge about it. 

In my book, I tried to feature different bindings from hard to medium to easy, very beautiful and time-consuming or professional and really fast. There's something for everyone, whether you just love crafting or need help with a professional project.
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